Frequently asked questions

This will vary based on the programme. Kindly navigate to the program’s “Notional Hours” section. You can refer to our guide on how long a programme should take on average to finish. The Programme Specification for the course you are taking contains information on the amount of time needed to complete the assignment, including the minimum and maximum amounts of time. Depending on the plan and level, the duration can range from three to twenty-four months.

There are no tests that you must take. All programmes and Executive Diplomas and certifications are evaluated using multiple-choice questions. Assessments for all other programmes are done through written assignments, work-based learning projects, and discussion comments. Every single one of your submissions must be made over the internet platform. Your work will be directly accessible to your online tutor for evaluation.

You should have access to the course materials as soon as your payment has been confirmed and you have been issued your login credentials for our online learning platform. The acceptance letter we provide you will specify the start date of a programme.

There isn’t a rigid schedule requiring you to check in at specific times every day. The delivery of courses takes place in an online learning environment. Discussion boards are used to teach the course, and students can use them whenever it’s convenient for them. On the other hand, group work is a common component of some courses, requiring you to collaborate with other students. Your tutor will create a schedule at the beginning of the course that will list all the assignments and their due dates.

Absolutely, provided that the course is finished by the preset deadline. Every programme has a deadline by which it must be finished, however we have allowed students adequate time to take breaks before they have to finish the course. Please get in touch with us if you need to postpone the completion date any longer.

Our goal at Traingogy is to always serve you and look out for your best interests. Therefore, get in touch with us as soon as possible and let us know about the change in circumstances and how it impacts you. We’ll make every effort to adjust things so you can finish your programme. Therefore, please contact us by phone +44[0] 1992 711 963 or through email:

Please select the “Enrol Now” link after selecting the programme for which you want to apply. After that, you will have to complete and submit the applicable online application form along with entering your details. We provide monthly start dates, so you can start as soon as your student application has been granted, your full payment has been received, you have been accepted into one of the courses, and the first instalment of a payment plan has been agreed upon with us. As an alternative, give us a call at +44[0] 1992 711 963 and we’ll guide you through the process.

Naturally, the cost of your course will change based on the qualification you select and enrol in. Each course’s cost is specified in detail on our website, and many of them accept payment plans (subject to a minimum deposit). You can spread out the cost of your course this way. Traingogy occasionally offers scholarships; when these become available, we will advertise them on our website. Please email us or give us a call at +44(0) 1992 676 263 for more details about our scholarships or payment arrangements.

Traingogy strongly believes that studying at home doesn’t have to mean studying by yourself. For most of our programmes, you will have access to and be assisted by a qualified and experienced tutor. Your instructor will evaluate your work, offer criticism and suggestions, and inspire you. You are welcome to converse with your tutor and ask questions. You are expected and encouraged to participate in collaborative learning by sharing your opinions and experiences in the online group discussion forum. You will all gain from the cross-fertilization of ideas and expertise when you are compelled to collaborate with other group members. You are not obligated to meet with other participants in the blended learning programme unless you are enrolled in it full-time.

Traingogy is a transnational online educational institution that provides students all around the world with a UK based, top-notch, globally renowned courses. Our whole course catalogue is accessible through online learning. Additionally, we have partnered with some universities and other organisations in other countries that provide extra help and instruction in the classroom.

Traingogy offers you three study options:

100% online: We take great pride in our genuinely interactive online learning environment, which makes learning enjoyable, participatory, and collaborative by utilising social networking. You can study from committed tutors and from your online peers on this safe and secure network.


Blended Learning: You will receive all the advantages of our online learning environment along with some in-person instruction in countries with an approved Traingogy learning centres. As a result, in addition to regular tutoring, you will engage with other students in person in the classroom.

Full-time Classroom Learning: In addition to our online learning environment and all of the benefits it offers, you will attend full-time lessons at a regionally recognised Traingogy learning centre.

Learning and development have changed dramatically since the days of traditional classroom instruction thanks to e-learning. The four main advantages that e-learning offers are amply supported by evidence:

• accelerated deliver

• cheaper prices

• More adaptable and efficient education

• reduced effect on the environment

Don’t worry, all you really need to navigate our web platform are rudimentary IT abilities.

You can discover details on the prerequisite education and/or prior job experience for each course. Firstly, kindly refer to the course page’s “Entry Requirements” section. Alternatively, do get in touch with us. We would like to inform you that many of our courses do not require any prior training or expertise. To find out what programmes you can enrol in with us, please send a message in the Contact US tab.


Traingogy has ensured that it offers programmes that will enable you to get started towards the degree you want to pursue but do not currently possess the necessary training or expertise to do so directly. Traingogy has made an effort to ensure that you can meet the prerequisites for every course. Therefore, all you really need is the will, ambition, and desire to learn. We will give you all the resources and assistance you require, and we are there to assist you if you run into difficulties for whatever reason.

Traingogy will support you from your initial inquiry to your post-graduation. Our goal is to be highly involved in every step of your educational process. You will have complete access to our online learning platform starting on the day of enrolment. We really welcome you to get in touch with us if you have any questions or concerns, or if you just need help, guidance, or explanation. Upon registration, you will receive our team’s contact information.
Traingogy has teamed up with London Examinations Board and the Queens Awards for endorsed qualifications to offer an unbiased evaluation and jointly bestow our credentials. In order to provide top-up diplomas and certifications, respectively, Traingogy currently has partnerships with many public and accredited private Universities and educational institutions that map our course programmes and to offer highly recognized diplomas and certificates .
You will need a computer, laptop, or tablet, as well as internet connectivity to log on to our online learning management platform, in order to participate in 100% online and blended delivery. If you decide to study in a classroom full-time, you should have access to the learning center’s library and resources, so you shouldn’t require a personal computer, laptop, or tablet. It is highly recommended that you utilise our excellent online platform.
There won’t be any textbooks sent to you. You will have access to all of your tutor’s course notes online. Additionally, we’ll release an online resource list that will suggest e-books you should read and provide links to buy them.
To all of our students who have enrolled directly with us for fully remote study, we guarantee that you will receive a full refund if, within the first 14 days of gaining access to our online learning platform, you are not entirely satisfied. We want to make sure that our platform and educational resources meet your needs. All we ask is that you get in touch with us as soon as possible so that we can address your issue. You should check the refund policy and get in touch with your learning facility directly if you are a student enrolled through an authorised London Examinations Board learning centre.
Of course, you are able to enrol in multiple courses concurrently. Please be mindful of the amount of time needed to finish each lesson, though. It is not desirable to overburden yourself with coursework that will make it difficult for you to succeed in the programmes. Please get in touch with us (or give us a call at +44 (0)1992 676 263) if you need help choosing which course to apply for.
You should notify your instructor as soon as possible if you need to take a break from the course, for example, to go on vacation. Usually, there won’t be an issue, but you’ll need to remember things like evaluation due dates and make plans to make up for lost time when you go back.
This is determined by how many credits each module has been given. It is advised that you allocate 10 hours of study for every credit to determine how many hours you will need to spend. Hence, if a qualification requires 30 credit hours, you should put in 300 hours overall, which includes reading, online tutorials, support sessions, and exam preparation.
For all Traingogy qualifications, you will be receiving a jointly awarded certificate from Traingogy and partner educational institutions. Certificates and Diplomas for all degrees, will come directly from Traingogy and partner University or Institution. For the avoidance of doubt this also include all qualifications achieved through Traingogy endorsed programmes. The certificates issued will be exactly the same as those issued to any full-time student. You will also be invited to attend the graduation ceremony.